Molly Has Done It Again!
A big congratulations to 2015 UNSW Honours student Molly Rowe, who has won the UNSW School of Chemical Engineering Prize for Best Honours...

New Article in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces on Water Collecting Surfaces!
Congratulations to my 2014 Honours student Ian Wong, whose work has recently been published in the journal ACS Applied Materials and...

New Article in Chemical Reviews - We're on the Cover!
The manuscript was three years and three months in the making but the wait (and work!) was worth it, with the recent publication of our...

Recent Publication in Applied Surface Science
Stuart has recently co-authored a publication that has just appeared in the latest issue of the journal Applied Surface Science...

Molly wins RACI Treloar Prize at 35APS!
Congratulations to 2015 Honours student Molly Rowe who won the RACI Treloar Prize for best poster The Treloar Prize is awarded for the...