Farewell Chris - we will miss you!
A big farewell and THANK YOU to Chris Teo! After almost four years, and a submitted PhD thesis (in addition to working for 12 months with...
New Summer Research Student - Welcome Jacinta!
A big welcome to summer research student Jacinta Mackay! Jacinta is a talented second year undergraduate student in the Chemistry...
Welcome Meiqiong and Yeasmin!
A big welcome to PhD students Meiqiong Tang and Yeasmin Nahar to the group! Meiqiong is from China, working with Stuart and Dr Alex...
Well done Chris Teo - thesis submitted!
A big congratulations to the first PhD candidate from the Soft Matter Chemistry group who has submitted their thesis - Chris Teo! This is...
Stuart gives an invited lecture at the IUPAC Macro Conference, Cairns,
Stuart was fortunate to attend the IUPAC World Polymer Congress (MACRO18) at the Cairns Convention Centre. Stuart gave an invited lecture...